Misty arrived with a bang and was up, straight and strong immediately. She is very bold and quite the live wire, entertaining us all day long. She is a beautful dark gray NLP, with excellent conformation and the prettiest little head that you have ever seen. We plan to show her in 2011 if she has not sold.
Again Ransom has had a strong influence on this foal making us very proud to offer her for sale.
Roxie is a wonderful jennet. She has a good bite and conformation. Roxie gave us our first foal by Circle C King's Ransom in 2009, and what a beauty she is. We are offering Roxie at a very reasonable price only because she has an untraced pedigree. Roxy is very pretty and sweet, easy to breed, a wonderful mom and has produced a beautiful foal for us. We feel that she would be a great addition to any breeding program.
DRM Roxie
Fall 2000, Jennet
parentage untraced
La Bahia Trail Cha Cha
4/7/04, very dark brown, 32 1/2"
Sire: McMillan's TexAss Midnight Gambler, black 32 1/2"
Grace is a very feminine little girl, much like her mother, with wonderfully straight legs and a good bite. She is a pretty dark gray with a black cross, black around the ears and on the legs. Ransom's influence is obvious in the quality of this foal.
Grace has quite the personality, a very busy heads up little girl to say the least.
We are very proud to offer this quality jennet for sale.
DRM Smoken Hot
October 11, 2009, Jennet
by Circle C King's Ransom out of DRM Roxie
"Hottie" is our first foal by Ransom, and what a cutie she is. We were soooooo thrilled when she was born! We are not sure if she will be a smokey black, or dark brown color. She has a good bite, and very nice conformation. We think she will be somewhere in between Ransom and Roxie as far as size goes.
Wilderville Classic Schooling Show - May 2010:
1st place non-color haltr,
4th place 31" & under halter
Gold Hill Tripple Challenge - May 2010:
2nd place Novice Stadium Trail
4th place Novice Jumping
Wilderville Classic Trail Shows - Buckle Series
June 2010 Hi Point In-hand Mini Donkey Trail
July 2010 - Hi Point In-hand Mini Donkey Trail
Aug. 2010 - Res. Hi Pt. In hand Mini Donkey Trail
Sept. 2010 - Hi Point In hand Mini Donkey Trail
BUCKLE WINNER - Champion Mini Donkey Trail
BUCKLE WINNER - Champion In-Hand Trail 50 & over
Shasta Mini-Donkey Palooza - July 2010
4th Place Halter Foals both sexes
NW Mule & Donkey Championships - Aug. 2010
4th place In-hand Mtn. Trail 18 & over
3rd place NMDA In-hand Trail Pre-green
NMDA Nationals, Red Bluff CA, Sept.2010
4th place In-hand Trail Pre-green
(6 mo. to 18 mos.)
moved to Klamath Falls
moved to Klamath Falls
M.O.A. Farms, Redmond, OR
Moved to Klamath Falls
Double D Anasette
2007, Jennet
Black w/cross 33 1/2"
Sire: Windcrest Little Dynamite
Grandsire: Sunset Acres Hoops
Dam: Wannabe Ranch Kailua
Grandsire: Dewey Meadows Jack Pot
(not a candidate for breeding)
Annie's outstanding breeding, style, and good conformation make her an excellent candidate to be a show and driving donkey She is very pretty and kind. Annie was shown as a yearling and placed 3rd in a class of 17 in in-hand trail.
We were thrilled to have had the opportunity to purchase Annie to breed to our jack, Circle C King's Ransom, but found that due to a very small reproductive system she is a high risk candidate for foaling so decided not to breed her, and to reluctantly offer her for sale.
Sire: Windcrest Little Dynamite
Wilderville Classic Trail Shows - Buckle Series July 2011
Hi Point In-hand Mini Donkey Trail
Northwest 2011 Mule & Donkey Experience - August 2011
3rd place - Halter 3 -9 yr old jennets
4th place tie - Coon Jumping
5th place tie - In Hand Jumping Green
6thd place - In-hand Trail Green
Rim Rock Mule Days - August 2011
1st place - Halter Mini Jennets 3 & Older
3rd place - In-hand Mini Trail
4th place - In-hand Mini Jumping
3rd place - Mini Coon Jumping
Rita Christy, Central Point, OR
DRM Grand Slam
October 27, 2011
Black Gelding
Sire: Circle C Kings Ransom
Grandsire: MGF Future Link
Dam: KKR Isabell
Grandsisre: Sunset Acres Rowdy Yates
This little guy is such a cutie! Born just as the 6th game of the World Series went into overtime, he is a beautiful blue/black with what appears to be an intermediate nose and no visible cross. He has straight legs with excellent tracking and is very upheaded and showy. He has the biggest eyes ever and long wavy hair! He is very sweet and mild mannered.
His dam, KKR Isabell was a Grand Champion more than once and is absolutely beautiful and extremely correct. Isabell can be seen on our Jennets page.
I cannot say enough about Circle C King's Ransom. He is a beautiful blue/black with excellent conformation and an exquisite little head. and he has the cutest personality. Ransom can be seen on our Jack page.
Wilderville Mini-Donkey Playday - 5/2012
4th Place - Halter foals & yearlings
3rd Place - In-hand trail - 2 and under
3rd Place - In-hand trail - 18 and over
Pacific Northwest Mini-Donkey Classie - 8/12
3rd Place - NMDA Halter - foals
DRM Lilly
September 19, 2011, Jennet
by Circle C King's Ransom out of DRM Minnie Mouse
Lilly is a chunky girl with a very cute little head and a sparkle in her eye. She has wonderfully straight legs, with good width, a nice round hip and a good bite. Lilly is a lovely dark gray-dun with a thick black cross, very dark around the outside of her ears and under her stomach. She also has a very small star. This jennet just gets better every day.
Lilly has a friendly playfull and bold personality with a little bit of attitude.
DRM Twinkle
04/10/2015, black nlp with star
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Grandsire: MGF Future-Link, black w/star 32"
Dam: KKR Isabell, black 33"
Grandsire: Sunset Acres Rowdy Yates, black 32 1/2"
It was with great reluctance that we agreed to sell Minnie, and only because she would be going to our very good friends who take wonderful care of their little donkeys.
We purchased Minnie as a companion for Pearl, our first miniature donkey. Minnie is a very feminine jennet, with an absolutely lovely expression. She has good conformation and a good bite and produced a lovely jennet foal for us in 2010 (DRM Grace)
Minnie presented us with a lovely gray jennet foal by Circle C King's Ransom in September 2011 - DRM Lilly.
DRM Minnie Mouse
Gray/Dun NLP, 33 3/4"
Sire: Untraced
Dam: Untraced
M.O.A. Farms, Redmond, OR
Wannabe Ranch Dynamites Legacy
May 8, 2012
Black/Brown Jack
Sire: Windcrest Little Dynamite
Grandsire: Sunset Acres Hoops
Dam Ka-Rob's Jasmine
Grandsire: Circle C Fortune
Great Grandsire: Circle C Desperado
Great Grandsire: Circle C Little Mowtown
Future Herd Sire for M.O.A. Farms, Redmond OR
This is Windcrest Little Dynamite's last foal and boy is he a dandy, He has the straightest legs and is very up-headed and showy even as a foal. His sire was a Champion Halter Jack more than once, and a Best of Breed winner in 2006. Dynamite's offspring have been very successful in the show ring. Besides producing stunning offspring, Dynamite passes on a very special temperament to his foals and this little guy is no exception.
Gold Hill, Oregon
DRM Sunny Side Up
October 11, 2012
Brown & White Spotted Gelding
Sire: Circle C Kings Ransom
Grandsire: MGF Future Link
Dam: Ka-Rob's Bella Brie
Grandsisre: BR Pepper Jack
This little guy is awesome! He was shown in Red Bluff this year and won the spotted donkey class, the foal class and was Reserve Champion Jr. donkey. He has wonderfully straight legs, a good bite, the cutest little head and beautiful color.
His dam Ka-Rob's Bella Brie is absolutely lovely. She can be seen on our Jennets page. She is sired by BR Pepper Jack and goes back to Red Lightening, Circle C Silverado, Circle C Desperado, Dewey Meadows Jackpot and more.
His sire Circle C King's Ransom is a beautiful blue/black with excellent conformation and an exquisite little head. and he has the cutest personality. Ransom's sire is MGF Future Link and his pedigree includes DCM Jack of Spades, Circle C Little Motown to name a few. Ransom can be seen on our Jack page.
Western Regional Miniature Donkey Show
June 2013
1st Place - NMDA Foals
1st Place - Spotted Donkey
NMDA Reserve Jr. Champion
DRM Black Sabbath
April 17, 2013
Black Jack (to be gelded)
Sire: Circle C Kings Ransom
Grandsire: MGF Future Link
Dam: KKR Isabell
Grandsisre: Sunset Acres Rowdy Yates
Toledo, OR
Toledo, OR
This little guy is amazing in every way. He has wonderfully straight legs, a good bite, a pretty little head and beautiful blue/black color. And...he has the greatest little personality, totally fearless and loving at the same time.
His dam KKR Isabell is exceptional. She is a champion and best of show winner. She can be seen on our Jennets page. She is sired by the late Sunset Acres Rowdy Yates, a producer of many champions.
His sire Circle C King's Ransom is a beautiful blue/black with excellent conformation and an exquisite little head. and he has the cutest personality. Ransom's sire is MGF Future Link and his pedigree includes DCM Jack of Spades, Circle C Little Motown to name a few. Ransom can be seen on our Jack page.
DRM Sterling
May 26, 20`3
Dark Gray NLP Jack with a Star
Sire: Circle C Kings Ransom
Grandsire: MGF Future Link
Dam: DRM Pearl
Grandsisre: Untraced
This little guy is quite a character and so adorable with his beautiful star. He has good straight legs, a good bite, a pretty little head and a beautiful dark gray color.
His dam DRM Pearl is lovely and such a kind jennet with good bone and conformation.
His sire Circle C King's Ransom is a beautiful blue/black with excellent conformation and an exquisite little head. and he has the cutest personality. Ransom's sire is MGF Future Link and his pedigree includes DCM Jack of Spades, Circle C Little Motown to name a few. Ransom can be seen on our Jack page.
Santa Ynez, CA
Photos provided by
Li'l Angles Miniature Donkeys
We purchased this lovely jennet from Ken and Jeannie Richards, Little Angels Miniature Donkeys. Cha Cha is a very pretty dark brown jennet with good conformation, a good bite and a very sweet temperament. She blessed us with a stunning dark brown jennet foal DRM Layla in 2011. Layla is now a Champion and we have decided to retain her as a future brood jennet. Because we are keeping Layla we have decided to offer Cha Cha for sale.
Cha Cha's foals shown below demonstrate the quality she produces.
Solvang, CA
Montague, CA
DRM Harlequin Hullabaloo
Foaled 10/21/2014
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom - 30 1/2" Black
Grandsire: MGF Future Link - 32" Black
Dam: Ka-Rob's Bella Brie - 33" Brown & White Spotted
Grandsisre: BR Pepper Jack - 32" Gray & White Spotted
We were planning on keeping Harlie, but our wonderful friends Ron & Jonatha Semoni of R & J Family Farm just had to have her. Harlie is just the best of everything. She has spectacular color, a sweet and playful disposition and excellent conformation. She is a lucky little donkey to be going to the Semoni's farm.
Elgin, Oregon
DRM Pearl
Foaled 2000 Gray-Dun NLP
Sire: Untraced
Dam: Untraced
Weimer, OR
Pearl was our very first miniature donkey. She is especially sweet and just loves visitors. She is a chuncky little gal with great conformation and a perfect bite. Pearl presented us with a lovely jennet foal by Circle C King's Ransom (DRM Misty) in October 2010 and an adorable jack foal in 2013 - DRM Sterling.
It was with great reluctance that we decided to let Pearl go to her new home in Weimer, OR. where her good friend DRM Minnie Mouse lives. We visit these girls from time to time and will always have a very special place in our hearts for them.
Northwest Mule and Donkey Experience August 2012
1st Place - NMDA Halter 2-yr old jennets
1st Place - NMDA In-hand Trail pre-green
Pacific Northwest Miniature Donkey Classic - August 2012
1st Place - NMDA Showmanship - pre-green
3rd Place - NMDA Halter 2-yr old jennets
3rd Place - NMDA Scramble pre-green
3rd Place - NMDA Hurry Scurry pre-green
1st Place - NMDA In-hand Trail pre-green (perfect score)
NMDA Champion Hi-Point pre-green
Western Regional Miniature Donkey Show - September 2012
2nd Place - NMDA Showmanship - pre-green
1st Place - NMDA Halter 2-yr old jennets
3rd Place -NMDA Scramble pre-green
1st Place - NMDA Hurry Scurry pre-green
BR Kelly Girl
10/28/09 Brown Jennet
Sire: MGF Red Jet, bright sorrel 31"
Dam: Circle C Forever Diamond II, gray 33""
Grandsire: DCM Jack of Spades, black nlp 31 1/2"
Grandsire; Circle C Desperado, gray 28 7/8"
(not a brood jennet)
Kelly Girl has awesome conformation and a beautiful upright presence.
Kelly started her show career in 2011 and was amazing. She has super
straight, wide set legs, a gorgeous head and stocky body. To top it off
she is ever so sweet and very brave.
Gold Hill Tripple Challenge - May 2011
1st Place - In-hand Stadium Trail Green
1st Place - In-hand Cross Country Trail Green
2nd Place - In-hand Jumping 2 yr. olds
Hi-Point In-hand donkey
Wilderville Classic Trail Shows - Buckle Series July 2011
Reserve Hi Point In-hand Mini Donkey Trail
Northwest Mule and Donkey Experience August 2011
1st Place - NMDA 2 yr. old Halter Jennets
3rd Place - NMDA In Hand Trail Pre-Green
Rim Rock Mule Days - August 2011
2nd place - Halter Mini-Donkeys 2 & under
1st place - In-Hand Trail Mini-Donkeys
Northern California Miniature Donkey Show - September 2011
1st place - NMDA Halter 2-yr old jennets
2nd place - NMDA Showmanship pre-green
1st place - NMDA In-hand Trail pre-green
2nd place - NMDA Scramble pre-green
1st place - NMDA Hurry Scurry pre-green
NMDA Reserve Junior Halter Champion
NMDA Champion High Point Pre-Green
Wilderville Mini-Donkey Playday - May 2012
1st place - Halter 2-yr old donkeys
2nd place - In-hand trail - 2 and under
1st place - In-hand trail - 18 & over
Champion - 2 and under
Elgin, Oregon
Austin's Farm Cayenne
Foaled 8/2/2014, Red Jennet
Sire: Austin's Farm Winchester - 33 1/2" Lt. Red
Grandsire: LN Cherries Jubilee - 31 1/4"
Dam: My World Chloe - 33" Red
Grandsisre: My World Winston - 31 1/2" Lt. Sorrel
This is one of those little donkeys that when I first saw her I just had to have her. She had wonderful conformation, a perfect bite, beautiful color, and an especially sweet manor. She is the most adaptable little girl, transitioning to her new home almost immediately. It is so nice to bring a youngster home who has been handled properly and looks forward to everything in front of her. And such a beautiful, well bred one at that.
Dam: Ka-Rob's Bella Brie, brown & white spotted 33"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: BR Pepper Jack, gray & white spotted 32"
Gold Hill, OR
Gunner is a beautiful blue/black with a light nose (we think) and no visible stripe. He is a big strong foal with a pretty head, straight legs and excellent tracking, very upheaded and showy
Gunner's dam, Ka-Rob's Bella Brie can be seen on our Jennets page. She is a stunning spotted jennet with an excellent pedigree.
His sire, Circle C Kings Ransom can be seen on our Jacks page. He also has an outstanding pedigree and has sired some beautiful foals for us.
Gunner would make an excellent show prospect in our opinion. He is a full brother to DRM Harlequin Hullabaloo and DRM Sunny Side up who can be seen below
We were very fortunate to be able to purchase this lovely jennet from Kathy Loudamy of K & K Ranch in Texas. She is a beautiful blue/black with light points and no visible stripe. She has an especially pretty head, beautiful, straight legs with perfect tracking, and is very upheaded and showy.
KKR IsaBell won Grand Champion Junior Donkey at the ADMS Nationals in 2006. She also won Reserve Champion Jennet against all ages at the 2006 NMDA Tennessee State Fair Show, 1st place in the Dallas NMDA foal class, and placed 2nd in the foal class at the NMDA Nationals in Shelbyville, her first time shown! IsaBell won the yearling class and stood Grand Champion Junior Jennet at the 2007 NMDA Nationals in Oregon.
Isabell has given us three lovely foals by Circle C King's Ransom - DRM Grand Slam in October 20, DRM Black Sabbath in October 2013 and DRM Twinkle in April 2015.
Twinkle is a beautiful blue/black nlp with a white star and no visible stripe. She is feminine with a pretty head, straight legs and good tracking, very upheaded and showy with a very soft and sweet temperament.
Twinkle's dam KKR Isabell won Grand Champion Jr. Donkey at the ADMS Nationals in 2006, was reserve Champion Jennet against all ages at the Tennessee State Fair Show, 1st place in the NMDA Foal class, 2nd in the Foal Class at the NMDA Nationals in Shelbyville. She won the yearling class and stood Grand Champion Jr. Jennet at the 2007 NMDA Nationals in Oregon. This combination of Isabell and Ransom is amazing!
Twinkle is beautiful, much like her mother but smaller. She has a good bite, a good width and a beautiful little head with a lovely white star.
Daisy is just a super cute donkey. She has great conformation and a perfect bite and a very laid back personality. Daisy was shown as a weanling and used for breeding for several years and then brought back to the show ring later in life. She won NMDA Reserve Grand Champion spotted jennet at the Oregon State Fair as a youngster and came back to win the 5 and over Jennets Halter class at the NMDA National Show in Red Bluff, California in 2015. We are expecting great foals from Daisy and Ransom starting in 2017.
This jennet is lovely with the most beautiful big eyes and great conformation, as well as a perfect bite. We know her as Violet, nicknamed by her previous owner due to her interesting color which looks to have a tinge of violet sometimes. She has some great donkeys in her pedigree uncluding the well known Circle C Desperado who is one of our favorites. We are excited to have had the opportunity to add her to our breeding program in 2016. She should have some lovely foals for us in the future.
Solvang, CA
Ka-Rob's Little Diva
Foaled 8/18/2007, 31 1/2" brown
Sire: Half Pint Hill Future Star, 33 3/4 Very Dark Brown
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, 32" Black w/cross
Dam: RF Bellisima, 32 1/2" Brown
Grandsisre: Double D Raindancer, 34 1/4" Spotted
Eola Hills Daisy June
Foaled 5/04/2004, gray & white spotted
Sire: My World Tigger, 30 1/2 Red
Grandsire: Rearview's Red Rock, 32 1/2" Dark Red
Dam: Thomas Farms Mischief, 33 3/4" Brown & White Spotted
Grandsisre: Windcrest Boomerang, 32 1/2" Brown & White Spotted
Roseburg, OR
DRM Simone
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Grandsire: MGF Future-Link, black w/star 32"
Dam: R&J C.C.Rider, red 31 1/2"
Grandsire: WLDF Cash Grant's Dinero, red 32 1/2"
Simone is stunning! She is a beautiful dark brown with a dark cross, dainty with a very pretty head, big brown eyes, straight legs and good width. She is very upheaded and showy with a very sweet and lively personality. She loves everbody!
Simone's dam R&J C.C. Rider won 2 out of 3 halter classes in her show career and was second in the third. She won Reserve National Junior Champion and was Hi-Point Pre-Green Champion at the ADMS Nationals in 2015. She can be seen on Our Jennets page. Simone's Grandfather WLDF Cash Grant's Dinero is a multiple Jr. Champion winner. Her father Circle C. King's Ransom is exceptional. He can be seen on Our Jacks page. Simone has an outstanding pedigree with lots of blacks and reds.
DRM Peggy Sue
Foaled 4/18/18, black jennet
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, 30 1/2" Black
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, 32" Black
Dam: Crown Meadow Glory B, 33 3/4" Very Dark Brown
Grandsire: RF Gelato, Dark Brown 34"
Bend, OR
Grants Pass, Oregon
DRM Hocus Pocus
aka Magic
4/23/16 Black, Brown & White Spotted Gelding
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Dam: Li'l Angels Bootsie, dark brown spotted 33 1/2"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: Li'l Angels Indiana Jones, dark brown spotted 30 3/4"
Darcy is a very pretty and kind young jennet. She is friendly and just easy about everything. The more I am around her the more I like her. She is very willing and good to handle and loves people. Sometimes she appears to be black and sometimes brown so we will have to wait and see. She is going to be a small stocky girl, measuring 29" at one year of age. Darcy has a good bite and good straight legs and an absolutely lovely head.
Darcy's Dam has been shown off and on. We don't have her show record but do know that she placed 5th in the 5 and over Jennets class at the NMDA Natiional Show in Red Bluff, CA in 2015 and that her sire is a Champion. She is a very pretty and kind jennet with an especially beautiful eye.
Darcy's sire is our handsome Circle C King's Ransom. He can be seen on our Jack's page.
Magic is awesome! His color is spectacular - at this point he appears to have black and white legs and part of his topline and a very dark brown and white pattern on his body and face with some tan around his eyes. Actually his coloring is "magical" in that when he moves it often creates an optical illusion - looking like his legs have crossed or skipped or whatever. He has a perfect bite, his conformation is excellent and he has the most beautiful little face. He has a fun personality, curious and full of life. His pedigree is outstanding as well.
Magic's dam, Li'l Angels Bootsie is a beautiful spotted jennet with the kindest of temperaments. In 2014 Bootsie won Champion Jr. Halter Donkey at the Red Bluff show. Bootsie's dam Frontier Legends Cheyenne Girl was an outstanding show donkey and a fantastic producer. Check out Our Jennets page to see more about Bootsie.
Magic's sire, Circle C King's Ransom originally came from the Cooke Ranch in Canada and was sired by the well known MGF Future Link. His pedigree includes DCM Jack of Spades, Circle C Little Mowtown and more. He has produced some outstanding foals for us. You can see Ransom on Our Jacks page.
Ashland, OR
DRM Raisin' Darcy Jo
Foaled 5/10/17, very dark brown w/cross
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, 30 1/2" Black
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, 32" Black
Dam: Ka-Rob's Little Diva, 31 1/2" Brown
Grandsire: Half Pint Hill Future Star, 33 3/4 Very Dark Brown
Peggy Sue was made to order. She has beautiful big eyes with light eye rings and nose, she is absolutely lovely. It has been no easy decision for us to offer this jennet for sale. She was born a beautiful black color with no cross. She is very correct, has a good bite and lots of personality. Her pedigree is excellent.
Peggy Sue's dam is a very pretty and correct jennet with excellent breeding behind her. This foal is an example of how well she crosses with Ransom. You can see Crown Meadow Glory B on our Jennets page. Glory B's sire RF Gelato is a Champion.
Peggy Sue's sire is our handsome Circle C King's Ransom. He can be seen on our Jack's page.
Peggy Sue must go to an approved home with another miniature donkey jennet.
Bend, OR
Anderson, CA
Rio Linda, CA
DRM Kiss Me Kate
Foaled 4/30/2019, Dark brown Jennet
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Dam: Ka-Rob's Bella Brie, brown & white spotted 33"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: BR Pepper Jack, gray & white spotted 32"
Lulu was born a pretty black with no cross. She is a lovely and little jennet with an exceptionally beautiful face and a very kind nature. Her eye rings and nose are more of a dark tan than white, absolutely beautiful!
Lulu's dam, Li'l Angels Bootsie is a beautiful spotted jennet with the kindest of temperaments. In 2014 Bootsie won Champion Jr. Halter Donkey at the Red Bluff show.
Lulu's sire, Circle C King's Ransom originally came from the Cooke Ranch in Canada and was sired by the well known MGF Future Link. His pedigree includes DCM Jack of Spades, Circle C Little Mowtown and more. He has produced some outstanding foals for us.
Little Angels Julie Travis & Crown Meadow Patina Rose
8/16/10 Dark Brown 33 1/2" 4/15/11 Red 34"
These two jennets are best of friends so we have decided to offer them as a pair, to stay together. We are selling them as pets - not for breeding. They are high quality donkeys with excellent pedigrees.
The dark brown jennet - Little Angels Julie Travis is a National Champion Halter Jennet and a Champion in-hand winner. She is amazing and beautiful. She had a non-cancerous growth on her udder which resulted in a portion of her udder being removed so she cannot be bred.
The red jennet - Crown Meadow Patina Rose is just lovely, very colorful and very sweet. We believe she was shown as a weanling once but have no record of how she did. We have not been able to get her breed so are offering her as a pet with her best friend Julie.
Julie's show record:
Northen California Mule and Donkey Experience - August 2012
1st Place - NMDA Yearling Halter Jennets
Reserve Junior Halter Champion
6th Place - NMDA In-hand Trail Pre-Green
Western Regional Miniature Donkey Show - September 2012
3rd Place - NMDA In-hand trail pre-green
4th Place - NMDA halter 2-yr old jennets
WRMDS NMDA Nationals - June 2015
1st Place - 3 & 4 yr. old jennets - Champion Halter Jennet
NMDA Halter 3-9 yr. old jennets - 2nd place both judges
NMDA Reserve Champion Halter Jennet - both judges
In-hand Jumping green - 1st place both judges
In-hand Coon Jumping - 1st place both judges
Reserve NMDA Hi-Point Champion
Hi=Point NMDA Green Champion
DRM Little Bear
Foaled 10/22/18, black gelding
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, 30 1/2" Black w/cross
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, 32" Black
Dam: Crown Meadow Jilly Bean, 32 3/4" Black
Grandsire: RF Gelato, Dark Brown 34"
Little Bear is a truly handsome boy. His color is black with a visible cross like his mother with some light colors under his belly and between his legs. Bear is very correct, has a good bite and lots of personality.
Little Bear's dam is a very pretty and correct jennet with excellent width and outstanding breeding behind her. This foal is an example of how well Bean crosses with Ransom. You can see Crown Meadow Jilly Bean on our Jennets page. Bean's sire RF Gelato is a Champion.
Bear's sire is our handsome Circle C King's Ransom. He can be seen on our Jack's page.
Bear must go to an approved home with another miniature donkey gelding.
DRM Lulu
Foaled 9/6/2018, Black
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Dam: Li'l Angels Bootsie, dark brown spotted 33 1/2"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: Li'l Angels Indiana Jones, dark brown spotted 30 3/4"
This donkey will stay with us
DRM Murphy Brown
Foaled 4/29/2019, Brown Jennet w/ red highlights
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Dam: R&J C.C. Rider, red 31 1/2"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: WLDF Cash Grant's Dinero, red 32 1/4"
Murphy is a beautiful mixture of browns, black and red, almost mahogany with bigh light colored eye rings and nose. She is very well balanced with straight legs, a compact body and a good bite. She has a very lively personality to say the least.
Kate is a lovely dark brown with a visible cross. She is lovely and has an especially kink nature.
Paradise, Utah
DRM Chip - Foaled 4/19/2020, Black NLP gelding
Crown Meadow Max - Foaled 4/27/2020,Brown gelding
Chip and Max are quite a pair, beautiful, playful and lovable. They have been taken for walks, had their feet trimmed several times and been for a few trailer rides. They are best of buddies and are only being offered as a pair, to stay together wherever they go.
Sherwood, OR
Crown Meadow Jilly Bean
Foaled 6/6/2011, Black w/cross, 10 yr. old Jennet 32 3/4"
Sire: RF Gelato, Cark Brown 34"
Grandsire: RF Caruso Von TR, Gray=Dun 33"
Dam: Crown Meadow Beanie, Dark Brown 33 1/4"
Grandsire: RF Carbon Copy, Dark Brown 33"
Bean is what I call this beautiful little donkey. She is the third jennet that we purchased from Crown Meadow Farm. She is compact with good bone, excellent conformation and a lovely little head. She presented us with an adorable jack foal in 2018, DRM Little Bear and a black nlp jack foal DRM Chip in 2020.
Bean had difficulty delivering her 2020 foal so we have retired her from breeding and are offering her for sale as a non-breeding jennet. She must go with another miniature donkey jennet, or to a home that already has one.
DRM Sugar Ray
Foaled 4/28/2021, Black Jack
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Dam: Ka-Rob's Bella Brie, brown & white spotted 33"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: BR Pepper Jack, gray & white spotted 32"
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32" Grandsire: Stock Market's Cash Grant, brown 32 1/2"
Grandsire: BR Pepper Jack, spotted 32" Grandsire: 758's Red Pride, red 31 1/4"
Li'l Angels Bootsie & AHP Sasha Sally
Foaled December 26, 2011 and June 28, 2011
not for breeding $3000
Bootsie is a lovely jennet, a champion. Her show record can be seen on our Jennets page. She is one of the kindest and prettiest donkeys we own. We have reluctantly decided to offer Bootsie for sale. Bootsie had some issues in the past with tender feet during the final months of pregnancy, so she is not being offered as a breeding jennet.
Sally is a very sweet jennet, a drafty girl. She came to us with a younger jack but has not gotten pregnant. We moved her in with some jennets and she gets along well. So we paired her up with Bootsie and are now offering them as a pair to an approved home.
DRM High Beam (Beamer) & DRM Shadow
Foaled 7/13/2022, spotted Foaled 10/8/2022, dark brown
Beamer and Shadow are the sweetest and friendliest little donkeys and so very cute? They were both sired by our handsome jack Circle C King's Ransom. Beamer is out of Li'l Angels Bootsie and Shadow is out of R&J C.C. Rider. They have been handled lots, are vaccinated and wormed, have had their hoofs trimmed and are ready to go to a new loving home. They must go together and stay together.
DRM Daphne & DRM Bunny
Tiny brown jennet and black/brown jennet
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom
Dam: R&J Rockin' Robin and DRM Layla
Daphne is a very tiny, well put together and very sweet and pretty jennet. We are not offering her for breeding which we feel would put her at risk because of her small size. She is being offered at a pet price never to be bred. She is bright eyed and full of life and very sweet. She just loves attention and visitors. Daphne comes from a long line of show Champions. She is a beautiful combination of her sire and dam. If you have a young jennet needing a companion, she would be perfect. She must go to a home with another young jennet.
Foaled 3/31/20213 Black Jack
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, black 30 1/2"
Dam: Crown Meadow Glory B, very dark brown 33 3/4
Grandsire: MGF Future Link, black w/star 32"
Grandsire: Rf Gelato, dark brown 34"
Cinder is a beautiful little jack (gelding to be). He has a dark nose (nlp) and will either be black or very dark brown. He is super friendly and very lively and confident. A very special little guy for sure!
Crown Meadow Glory B
Foaled 2/19/2011, Very Dark Brown, 33 3/4"
Sire: RF Gelato, Dam: Crown Meadow Barley
Glory is a beautiful jennet. We never got a chance to show Glory but I am sure she would have done well. She has given us three lovely foals. She had some difficulty delivering the last foal so we have decided to retire her from breeding. She has been a great mom and a wonderful friend to us. She is very easy to be around, loves attention and brushing. She is good with having her hoofs trimmed, leads, ties and loads in the trailer.
Pulman, WA
Moran, WY
Wenatchee, WA
Bend, OR
DRM Frederick
Foaled 5/22/2024, brown/black gelding
Sire: Circle C King's Ransom, 30 1/2" black
Dam: R&J Toto, 31 1/2" dark brown
Freddy is a beautiful little guy and very well put together, with a good bite. He is lively and sweet and has been especially good about handling and hoof trims. Freddy must go to an approved home with another gelding foal. We have a breeder/friend with one that would be a good match for Freddy and is about a month older. Freddy will be able to leave about the end of October, once he is weaned and gelded.
We offer quality registered miniature donkeys for sale to approved homes. Prices generally range from $2000 to $5000 depending on sex, age, confirmation and pedigree.
B&B Autumn DRM Summer Breeze DRM Whisper
Foaled 6/14/24 Foaled 8/16/24 Foaled 8/17/24
We are offering either Whisper or Summer Breeze to go with B&B Lildonks B&B Autumn for $10,000 or all three for $14,000
We have agreed to pair one or both of our lovely jennet foals with B&B Autumn from our dear friends at B&B Lildonks. All of thesel jennets have excellent pedigrees and are just beautiful. Whisper is smaller than the other two, tiny with a big attitude. Summer Breeze is a little more easy going. These girls will be ready to go to an approved home mid-February 2025